TinyXml Parser refuses to load file properly - Stack Overflow

TinyXml Parser refuses to load file properly - Stack Overflow

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TinyXml Parser refuses to load file properly - Stack Overflow

... read the documentation: http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxmldocs/classTiXmlDocument.html ... loadOkay ) { cerr << "Could not load test file.

Can not load custom font file `.otf` in Laravel-dompdf - Stack Overflow

What about trying to convert .otf to .ttf format? I think that is the optimal way for your problem. otf to ttf converter sites, https://convertio.co/otf-ttf/

What is the best open XML parser for C ? - Stack Overflow

The interface of the parser does not conform to DOM specification. ... to TinyXML (http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml/) that uses MANY of the ...

Looking for a CSS Parser in java - Stack Overflow

It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow ...

eBook parser (.azw, .mobi, epub)? - Stack Overflow

As Ranhiru said, here and here you can see how PDFs are parsed. For .mobi , however, there is no library, so you'll have to parse the format ...

Is there an existing parser for iCalendar files for PHP? - Stack Overflow

Is there an existing parser for iCalendar files for PHP? [closed] · php icalendar. Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It ...

Java - Lottery statistic parser - Stack Overflow

The page has a frame which contains: https://www.norsk-tipping.no/nt-keno/result/keno_result_info.jsp?drawID=1771&bet=10&keno_level=10.

Windows batch file file download from a URL - Stack Overflow

There is no need for downloading/installing anything or using any JScript or VBScript, etc. ... ECHO DOWNLOAD SCRIPT EXAMPLE ECHO.

The website is under heavy load ROR - Stack Overflow

Since version 4.0.15 there is a limit which is 100 by default. Here is a short excerpt from http://blog.phusion.nl/2013/09/06 ...

Lazy load not working with div - Stack Overflow

2 Jul 2018 ... Lazy(): Plugin is not loading my 'li' contents ... <img src="http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/paomedia/small-n-flat/512/user-male-icon.png"> ...

VBS bot not working properly - Stack Overflow

Well.. it seems you did not inspect the HTML code well enough. div. ... True webbrowser.navigate("https://skiomusic.com/gravit/noah-kahan-hurt ...

How to Lazy Load div background images - Stack Overflow

And not overwrite the img tag instead apply a css background image. Here is a ... Source: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload/enabled_background.html.

`tce-load -wi stress` doesn't work? - Stack Overflow

Had what sounds like same issue. The repository urls online all point to version 2 or v3 of tinycore. New versions of tinycore are v8, so they ...

Strongloop app does not load local datasource - Stack Overflow

I used node-debug to track down the issue. And it came in this particular source strongloop file: node_modules/loopback-boot/lib/config-loader.

jQuery Mobile - Jumps To Top After Window Load - Stack Overflow

We use jQuery mobile for m.swisswebcams.ch. When I scroll down while the page is still loading, it seems to always jump up again on page load ...

Windows Form Designer: Could not load file or assembly - Stack ...

Not only for this case, you can run another instance of visual studio, ... references and their references, recursively, down to the framework.

Masonry grid not showing properly - Stack Overflow

20 Nov 2015 ... ... src="http://www.arredatutto.com/en/images/icecat/21892178-52336.jpg"><br></a><a href="product-description.php?product_id=17" ...

Load crawl a huge webpage with Scrapy-Splash - Stack Overflow

... text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*', 'Referer': 'https://www.sanego.de/Arzt/Allgemeine Chirurgie/', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', ...

Why is my PE file invalid? - Stack Overflow

My generated file is not valid, says Windows: "X is not a valid Win32 ... Up vote 1 Down vote. You are definitely tackling this problem from the wrong end. Hacking the hex isn't ever going to get you what you want, the PE file structure is too sophisticated. ... file contains the declarations of the structures used in the PE format.

pdf.js not loading pdf file - Stack Overflow

A quick "hack" to fix the problem in you situation is to insert the <base href="https://mozilla.github.io"> (HTML base tag) inside the head of your ...

Parse XML file from url using php - Stack Overflow

The code would have to be something like: <?php $xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents('http://example_page.ugu.pl/api/test.xml')); ?>.

How to import a .tsv file - Stack Overflow

read.table(file = 'drug_info.tsv', sep = ' ', header = TRUE) ... I think the down-vote came a bit prematurely here, as we don't have any actual data to test with any method yet. ... require(data.table) data<-as.data.frame(fread("drug_info.tsv")) ... Assuming that only the first line does not have the right number of ...

Blogger Drop down menu not working properly - Stack Overflow

My blog's menu http://www.airinaapril.blogspot.com was working fine way back. But then I noticed that it is not hovering on the drop down list. I am not very ...

Html link <a> not wrapping <div> element properly - Stack Overflow

The browser doesn't know what to do with this, so it closes them both down as small as they can. Try using html inside your .php file, and just ...

Deeplink on Chrome for Android not working properly - Stack Overflow

I having a problem to make an Apps Flyer OneLink to work properly on Android with Chrome browser. On any other browser everything works fine ...

<search.h> header file not available - Stack Overflow

You may be able to find a version to download for your system. (Macs have it already; I'd expect to find AIX, HP-UX, Solaris include it by default, ...

How I can download file from web in Cake? - Stack Overflow

HTTP / web operations are found under http://cakebuild.net/dsl/http-operations · DownloadFile(string, ​FilePath)​ is probably what your ...

Upload .nt/tdb file to protege - Stack Overflow

I want to upload .nt/TDB file in protege. My nt(ntriple) file is in 40gb. ... I am using protege4.3.0(build 304), protege-core framework, not web ...

how to run bat file from my oracle pl sql procedure - Stack Overflow

You could use DBMS_SCHEDULER . There's a nice explanation on Oracle Technology Network so - have a look. Shortly: you can't run .BAT ...

why can not download file in wget? - Stack Overflow

Because of the special characters in the URL ('&') you need to put the URL in quotation marks: wget -c ...

Mercurial: no ~/.hgrc file - Stack Overflow

2 Answers. 2. order by. active, oldest, votes. Up vote 24 Down vote Accepted. Loading when this answer was accepted… It is not there by default.

.git/tags file is HUGE - Stack Overflow

It sounds like you've been t-bagged!!! http://tbaggery.com/2011/08/08/effortless-ctags-with-git.html.

Edit an XML file on a FTP folder - Stack Overflow

16 Apr 2019 ... And SimpleXML does not allow context options. So you have to delete the existing file before saving it (the unlink call). $ftp_server = ...

file download and open through VBA - Stack Overflow

6 Nov 2018 ... ScreenUpdating = False With IE .Visible = True .navigate "http://www.kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/stat/boxs/findFormerBoxOfficeList.do?

php - How to force download of a file? - Stack Overflow

You could try something like this: $file_name = 'file.avi'; $file_url = 'http://www.myremoteserver.com/' . $file_name; header('Content-Type: ...

File Management system in Php - Stack Overflow

http://pfn.sourceforge.net/index.php?opc=1&lg=ing. or ... For media preview I know only http://www.filerun.com/ but it's not open-source.

chcp 65001 and a .bat file - Stack Overflow

... does not work: chokes down leading `FF` >list_of_files.txt echo(%UTF8BOM:~0,2% chcp 65001 >NUL :: add CRLF in Unicode (hexadecimal ...

How do I get an apk file from an Android device? - Stack Overflow

This also fixes the directory not found issue for APK paths with seemingly random ... I ran this on a NON-rooted Moto Z2 and was able to download ALL the APKs I did ... return 1 fi apk_path="`adb shell pm path $1 | sed -e 's/package://g' | tr ' ' ...

How to make/get a multi size .ico file? - Stack Overflow

You can download if from http://www.towofu.net/soft/e-aicon.php ... then I upload it to this site http://convertico.com/, and for free then it returns me a 6 ... icon set, sadly not possible and requires a separate file and code snippet.

Branch.io returns me a File Not Found - Stack Overflow

up vote 2 down vote accepted. Alex from Branch.io here: ... Your links are correct, but the /a is no longer necessary. So they would be: https://4t3i.app.link?

Hosts file mac sierra not working - Stack Overflow

I have two guesses: Are you using a web proxy (including transparent proxy and some types of firewall)? If so, the DNS lookup is being done on ...

unable to read file from ftp in android? - Stack Overflow

There is a DNS error and your desktop (or your Android) is not connecting to ftp.mysite.x10.mx but to somewhere else, e.g. a development ...

how to install tinytex from local zip file in R - Stack Overflow

In download.file(url, output, ..., method = method) : cannot open URL 'http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip': HTTP status was ...

File Download hit counter PHP, MYSQL - Stack Overflow

I have no problem in display the current count. How can I update the Mysql database when a new click has been made? So this is my link: <a href= ...

How can I include a YAML file inside another? - Stack Overflow

15 Answers. 15. order by. active, oldest, votes. Up vote 334 Down vote Accepted. Loading when this answer was accepted… No, YAML does not include any kind ...

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