Why is struts validation not working for me? - Stack Overflow

Why is struts validation not working for me? - Stack Overflow

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Why is struts validation not working for me? - Stack Overflow

IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://opensymphony.com/xwork/xwork-validator-config-1.0.dtd at ...

Cross Validation in Weka - Stack Overflow

This model is not used as part of cross-validation. ... 1 Down vote. Weka follows the conventional k-fold cross validation you mentioned here.

Domain Name Validation using Regular Expression - Stack Overflow

abc.com abc.in abc.pqr.com abc.com/xyz abc.com/xyz/pqr no.matter.how-many.domain-name.com/anything. Reject: http://example.com ...

ckan 2.8 email validation while harvesting - Stack Overflow

ERROR [ckanext.harvest.harvesters.base] {'maintainer_email': ['Email [email protected]; [email protected] is not ...

Open Graph validation for HTML5 - Stack Overflow

For HTML5, add this to your html element like described on ogp.me and ... invalid markup that a particular UA might not interpret as expected.

My CSS is not working in IE - Stack Overflow

... than don't support HTML5? html5 new elements (header, nav, footer, ..) not working in IE. and also this. http://www.impressivewebs.com/html5-support-ie9/.

Lightgallery not working - Stack Overflow

1 Nov 2015 ... Up vote 0 Down vote. I figured out my problem with this error. Since my JS skills are crap, I'm leveraging PHP to put AJAX responses into a div.

iCheck How can I get this working - Stack Overflow

... <script src="http://fronteed.com/iCheck/icheck.js"></script> <link href="http://fronteed.com/iCheck/skins/futurico/futurico.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <div> <input ...

phplist not working - Stack Overflow

Up vote -1 Down vote. you may try this code. <html> <title>Test</title> <head> </head> <body> <?php include_once('phplist/public_html/lists/index.php');?> ...

VBS bot not working properly - Stack Overflow

Well.. it seems you did not inspect the HTML code well enough. div. ... True webbrowser.navigate("https://skiomusic.com/gravit/noah-kahan-hurt ...

Why my minimax is not working - Stack Overflow

First things first, what does u.getUtility() return if the state is not terminal? If it returns 0, well then 0 % 700 == 0 is true, so it's just finding the first ...

Securepay is not working - Stack Overflow

... like "credit card payment". You can use the following link to find the JSON request data and test it. SecurePay Sandbox Testing Environment.

Heroku ACM not working - Stack Overflow

es domains registered in www.piensasolutions.com and the .org in cloudns. The redirection works perfectly fine but I have discovered that ACM is ...

Is cocoapods.org not working? - Stack Overflow

You can view the status of the site here https://status.cocoapods.org. The site search has been down for a few days now. From the command ...

Keypress on tab not working - Stack Overflow

Up vote 4 Down vote. Change keypress to keydown . keypress will not capture tab and some other keys. Example on jsFiddle $(document).keydown(function(e) ...

Introducing Dark Mode (beta) for Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow Blog

30 Mar 2020 ... For now, we have no plans to bring dark mode to the many sites ... i'm on frequently implement a dark mode so that i can turn off dark reader.

Custom font is not working in my App? - Stack Overflow

You have passed a filename ( glyphish.ttf ) instead of the actual font name. Most likely, the font name is Glyphish , but you need to query it ...

Jquery Transit Not working - Stack Overflow

http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/jquery.transit.min.js. to ... because when his site is down later, your web_app will also be down if you use his ...

findBy() foreignKey is not working - Stack Overflow

Searching by a foreign key simply does not make sense from an object point of view. brand_id is not a field of your RubricMenu entity, brand is.

Hexo server not working - Stack Overflow

If you haven't done anything else than just installed Hexo as you described, then you don't have the needed Hexo folders around. Run hexo init ...

[email protected] - Is it working? - Stack Overflow

By design, an error is returned when sending email to [email protected]. The error message is what contains the result whether your test worked or not.

Why Google API for QR code is not working now? - Stack Overflow

Up vote 0 Down vote. Google turned it off: https://developers.google.com/chart/image/docs/making_charts. I've same problem.

Lazy load not working with div - Stack Overflow

2 Jul 2018 ... Lazy(): Plugin is not loading my 'li' contents ... <img src="http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/paomedia/small-n-flat/512/user-male-icon.png"> ...

wwwizer not working on Chrome - Stack Overflow

You have the wrong ip. Correct one: Everything else is fine.

Semantic-ui dropdown is not working - Stack Overflow

Try putting <script> $('.ui.dropdown').dropdown(); </script>. right before the closing </body> tag. You're running the dropdown script before ...

Safari autocomplete for cc-exp not working - Stack Overflow

The difference between the forms is that on the older form I am using 2 drop-down fields (SELECT tags) for expiry month and year in MM and YYYY formats.

Math.Acos not working? - Stack Overflow

Up vote 4 Down vote. Nothing is wrong, you are getting your answer in radians. Convert it to degrees. Math.Acos(0.8) * 180/Math.PI.

AWS SNS confirmSubscription API call not working - Stack Overflow

I am using Node with the express framework. I have a feeling I'm not parsing the response correctly. I will attach my code. Anyone see anything ...

Why is this SQL code not working on SQLFiddle.com? - Stack Overflow

You forgot the semi-colon after your CREATE statement (before INSERT ).

Gupshup Flow Bot not working - Stack Overflow

Gupshup integrated bot on Viber not working. ... This document should help gupshup.io/developer/docs/bot-platform/guide/…, Telegram has it's ...

Logback scan not working - Stack Overflow

Update (May, 2019) : The bug seems to be fixed now. =============================================================================.

removeChild not working, but no error - Stack Overflow

There are a few problems. 1) logoOpacity is ... You can see that it gets really, really, really close to 0, but not quite. This isn't ... createElement("IMG"); logo.src = "http://img.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/2048/poke_2Dlogo.gif"; gameContainer.

Controlgroup in panel seems not working - Stack Overflow

As said by Omar, the problem was coming from &nbsp; that were added by my text editor for an unknown reason between the control group elements.

Bootstrap hidden-sm-down not working - Stack Overflow

As Jaqen said, if you use Bootrstrap 3, you should use hidden-sm instead. Also, if you want to hide the image on small screen, you have to add ...

HTML Favicon Not Working - Stack Overflow

ico in the root of wherever your website is. You can go to this site http://www.favicon.cc/ and have your .png made into a favicon. Then just put it ...

border-radius not working - Stack Overflow

To whomever may have this issue. My problem was border-collapse. It was set to: border-collapse: collapse;. I set it to: border-collapse: ...

AES/CFB encryption with Crypto not working - Stack Overflow

I have a simple console program that should encrypt files with AES CFB algorithm from Crypto library. For some reason it is not working.

Crypto to PHP mcrypt not working - Stack Overflow

Looking at the PHP manual (http://php.net/manual/en/function.mcrypt-decrypt.php), MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 is different to AES_256. The first comment offers ...

Pusher PHP Server not working - Stack Overflow

Since you're saying the event creator works I'm assuming the client functionality is fine and the problem is either: The PHP code; the interaction ...

webserver in vertx not working - Stack Overflow

Have you tried just running the example webserver from the Ruby examples using the specified command line call?

responsivevoice not working in Safari - Stack Overflow

I was checking this Javascript Text-to-Speech conversion API - http://responsivevoice.org/, for one of my projects. I have created a snippet out of the fiddle to ...

CSS bounceInDown effect not working - Stack Overflow

... 20px 20px 20px 55px; text-decoration: none; background:#0F6 } /* Animate.css - http://daneden.me/animate */ .animated{-webkit-animation-fill-mode:both ...

Recaptcha not working on https - Stack Overflow

What it shows is that mid connection the servers changed from ipv4 to ipv6 and I remembered reading somewhere that recaptcha has a problem working on ipv6 ...

jBCrypt dependency not working - Stack Overflow

... Down vote Accepted. Loading when this answer was accepted… I found the problem. Apparently I had to import : import org.mindrot.jbcrypt.*.

setgroup() in notification not working - Stack Overflow

You have to create a group notification before creating your custom notification. Just like this: NotificationCompat.Builder groupBuilder = new ...

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